Prusa Slicer

PrusaSlicer is an open source 3D printing slicing software created by Prusa Research, based on the Slic3r. It translates the 3D models printing instructions into a G-code for FFF printers.

Prusa Slicer icon
prusa slicer featured image

Prusa Slicer is a printing slicer that takes 3D models (STL, OBJ, AMF) and converts them into G-code instructions. For mSLA 3D printers, these models are converted into PNG layers. Slicing is the process of converting a 3D design into layers and generating G-code, the machine readable language that directs a 3D printer. Though it was developed for Prusa 3D printers, now it is compatible with any modern printer based on the RepRap toolchain.

It also includes all the printers based on Marlin, Prusa, Sprinter and Repetier firmware. Prusa also works with Mach3, LinuxCNC and Machinekit controllers. Prusa is based on Slic3r Alessandro Ranellucci and the RepRap community. All user facing code of PrusaSlicer is written in C++ language and the slicing core is libslic3r.

Free and open source nature of the software allows users to freely modify it and add new features. These continuous updates from Prusa research and other users keeps the software relevant with new 3D printing technologies. Clear and simple UI of Prusa makes it great for small laptop screens as well as on a HiDPI multi-monitor setup.

  • Multi Platform Compatibility
  • Multi-Material Object Printing
  • Free and Open Source
  • Simple and Clear UI
  • Custom Supports
  • STL auto-repair
  • Built-in Profiles for Most Printers
  • Spiral Vase mode for bumpless vases
  • Smart background processing
  • Built-in shape gallery
  • Post-processing scripts support
  • Automatic model repairing
Prusa Slicer icon

Prusa Slicer || v2.9.1 || 95.8 MB

Prusa Slicer for MacOS

  • Operating System: OSX 10.12 (Sierra) and newer
  • Processor: A multicore and multi-threaded
  • Memory: Atleast 4 GB RAM (8 GB or more recommended)
  • Graphics: OpenGL version 2.0 and newer
  • File Size: 140 MB

What’s New

In the latest and final release of PrusaSlicer 2.9.1, the developers have fixed the existing bugs and introduced the new features with more improvements. New features include multiple beds, scarf seams, Printables integration, improved support for multiple nozzle diameters, paint-on fuzzy skin, and many more. In the final release, three bugs found in 2.9.0-rc1 are also fixed.

As noted during 2.8.x releases, PrusaSlicer now uses the Flathub as the only official distribution channel for Prusa on linux.

You will need to download this advanced 3D printer slicing software from the official website. As per your operating system, download the required file format. Follow the given step-by-step guide to install PrusaSlicer for Windows, Mac, Linux, and Chromebook.

Installation for Windows

  • Click on the above button to download the Prusa for Windows or you can visit the official Github page.
  • Download the .zip file depending on your system configuration. If your computer is 64-bit then download the “Win64” version and for 32-bit, you will need the “Win32” version.
  • Once the download is completed, locate your file in the downloads folder and double click on it to start installation. Windows will prompt you for permission, grant it.
  • Follow the Prusa installation wizard, and click “Next” to accept the license agreement.
  • Choose the installation folder or keep the default directory (most common – C:\Program Files\PrusaSlicer)
  • Select the additional required components and click on install.
  • Wait for the installation to complete. Once done, click finish. You can launch PrusaSlicer immediately by selecting the option during the installation process.
  • On the first launch, you have to configure your printer settings. Select your 3D printer model, filament type and other necessary details.

Installation for Mac

  • For MacOS, you have to download the latest and stable version of the stand alone DMG installer.
  • After downloading, navigate to the downloads folder and locate the DMG file. Double click on it and the installation window will open.
  • In the installation window drag the PrusaSlicer icon to the Applications folder.
  • Once the file copy is ready, you can eject the DMG file by dragging it to the trash.
  • Next, navigate to applications and double click on Prusa Slicer. On the first launch, you might see a security prompt. Go to System Preferences > Security & Privacy and click on Open Anyway to bypass this.
  • Configure your printing settings on the first launch.

Installation for Linux

  • Download the latest stable release of the AppImage file for Linux from our website or Github.
  • You have to make the AppImage file executable to start PrusaSlicer. There are two ways to do it.

Using Properties

  • Ubuntu, Linux Mint, and MX Linux are three popular Linux distros. To make the file executable –
  • Locate the “AppImage” file >> right click it >> select properties.
  • New window will appear >> select permissions >> tick “Allow executing file as program” or other variation to make it executable.
  • Now close the properties and double-click the icon to start PrusaSlicer.

Using Terminal

  • You can also make the file executable across most distros by using the Terminal/Console.
  • Open the terminal and enter the directory where you extracted the AppImage file. Ex. for Downloads folder –
  • Next, list the files in that directory to copy the exact name of the file.
  • Run the following command to make the file executable.
  • To start PrusaSlicer, run the following command from the terminal or you can double-click the file in your desktop environment.

Installation for Chromebook

  • For Chromebook you must have the current version of Chrome OS with Debian 10.7 or newer.
  • Enable Linux on your Chromebook (Settings >> Click the menu icon in the top left corner >> Select Linux (beta) >> Click Turn on and confirm by clicking on the Install button.
  • Next, download the latest AppImage file.
  • Copy the AppImage to the ‘Linux Files folder
  • Open Terminal and run the following command to install a file system software (For latest ChromeOS version, you can skip this step)
  • To install missing libraries, insert the following command.
  • Make the .appimage file executable with the following command.
  • Run the following command to start Prusa Slicer. You have to type this every time in the terminal to run it.

Cross Platform Compatibility

Prusa Slicer is available for multiple operating systems. You can use it on WIndows, macOS, or Linux. Though initially it was made for only Prusa models, it is now compatible with other 3D printers too.

Free and Open Source

Prusa Slicer is an open source and free 3D printing slicer, based on the Slic3r by Alessandro Ranellucci. An open source nature of Prusa allows continuous improvement and addition of new features.

Color Painting

PrusaSlicer’s smart fill and brushstroke tool helps users to color an object for multi-material printing with just a few clicks. These painted regions are cleverly extended inwards during the slicing which provides the best material adhesion.

Seam Control

You can control your seam positions with Prusa. The seam position is the start and end points of each layer. This improves the surface finish of prints. If the object is without any sharp corners, the seam is visible. With the Prusa’s seam control you can hide seams as much as possible.

Multi-Material Printing

PrusaSlicer is the first ever high-quality open source MSLA slicer that supports multi-material FFF printing with the Original Prusa MMU2S. The tools like purge blocks help you to manage colour transitions while wipe towers help to reduce material contamination between layers.

Multi-File Format Support

Prusa’s multi-file support eliminates the need to convert files from one format to another. You don’t need to convert CAD models into an STL. The STEP file is compatible with most CAD programs including Fusion360, FreeCAD, AutoCAD, CATIA and many more.

G-code Preview

It’s important to see how the printer interprets the model layers before printing. WIth the Prusa Slicer’s G-code preview feature, users can preview the generated G-code. It helps to identify potential issues, check model layers paths, and visualize printing speeds.

Octoprint Integration

PrusaSlicer seamlessly integrates with the Octoprint, Repetier Host, FlashAir SD cards, etc. It allows users to send G-code directly to the printer with a single click of a button. It also works with advanced features of Octoprint such as upload queue or Cancelobject plugin.

Modifier Meshes

This is one of the best features of Prusa Slicer for advanced users. It helps them to apply unique print settings to specific parts of a model without modifying the original design. You can apply infill density, adjust layer height, and many more.

Custom Supports

Support is essential for printing complex models. Prusa’s custom support feature allows users to add, remove, or modify supports manually. It provides great precision in areas where the support is required and also helps in minimizing the material usage. Also the “Paint-on supports” tool lets users paint custom support directly on the model.

Built-in profiles for Printers

Though it is optimized for Prusa printers, PrusaSlicer also supports a wide range of third-party 3D printers. With the help of the community, Prusa has a great collection of fine-tuned 3rd party printer profiles which includes Creality, Voron, or Anycubic printers. You can also import and configure the custom printer profiles manually.

Regular Updates

Prusa research is highly active and provides regular updates to Prusa Slicer. The features like acceleration control, automatic support generation, and addition of new profiles keeps you updated with the latest 3D printing technology. The users feedback and contribution of the active 3D printing community keeps PrusaSlicer updated.

User-Friendly Modes

Whether you are a beginner, advanced user or expert, Prusa has different modes for you.
Simple mode is designed for beginners and offers a simple user interface with few customizations.
Advanced mode enables advanced users to apply unique print settings e.g., infill density, layer height, etc.
Expert mode makes all the power features of Prusa Slicer accessible to users

Highly Customizable Print Settings

Prusa offers a deep control over print settings. It helps you to fine-tune the prints for best results.
– Layer Heights: Adjust the layer heights dynamically to get better print quality and faster prints.
– Infill Patterns: Choose various infill types like gyroid, honeycomb, or rectilinear depending on specific strength and material saving needs.
– Speed Settings: You can set different speed limits for each of the print move types.

Advanced Temperature Control

Prusa offers precise control over the nozzle and bed temperatures. These temperature settings can be adjusted for different filament types and materials like PLA, ABS, PETG, or TPU. This feature ensures proper adhesion and minimizes warping during the print process.

Now you have installed the Prusa slicing software. But it is important to know how to use it. Using PrusaSlicer is very easy and straightforward. Advanced features and customization of the Prusa gives you the best results of your 3D prints. This guide covers everything that you need to know to get started with Prusa Slicer and generate your first successful print.

1. Printer Setup and Configuration

As of now you must have downloaded and installed the latest version of Prusa Slicer as per your operating system. When you open Prusa for the first time, a “Configuration Wizard” window will open automatically. This wizard will help you to do the initial setup and configuration.

Select Your Printer Profile

  • The variety of printer profiles are pre-loaded in Prusa 3D printing software. It includes Original Prusa FFF and SLA printers and other 3rd party printers. If you have a Prusa printer then select the relevant model from the list (Ex. Original Prusa MK4 Input shaper)
  • For a third party printer you can select it from the list or you can also define a custom printer profile. You will also need to set the main parameters of the custom printers such as bed shape, build volume, print diameters, filaments, etc.

Filament Profiles Selection

After you have selected your printer, you will need to select the filament profile. Filament profiles are categorized by compatible printers, materials, and vendors. Prusa comes with the pre-configured filament profiles for material types like PLA, ABS, PVA, CPE, and more.

Selecting View Mode

PrusaSlicer has three different view modes viz. Simple, Advanced, and Expert modes.

  • Simple mode is best for beginners as it only shows the most frequently used settings relevant for regular 3D printing.
  • Advanced and Expert modes give more control over print settings and customization. It is best for expert users.

With this, the configuration process is finished and you can start with your first 3D printing project.

2. Importing and Preparing Models

After you have done the initial configuration and printer setup, the next job is to import your 3D models for printing.

Importing a 3D Model

Load your 3D model file into PrusaSlicer. It supports various file formats like STL, OBJ, 3MF, and AMF. To import the file you need to –

  • Click the ‘Add‘ button on the left of the grey bar in the top middle of the screen.
  • You can also drag and drop your 3D model life onto the build plate on the screen.

Model Preparation

Now you have imported the file, adjust the model orientation so that it fits in the build space. If it fits then the model’s color will be green or orange (if not selected). If the model is extending outside the print area then its color will be blue. This means your model is too big or it needs to be repositioned.

You can use the intuitive manipulation tools like move, scale, and rotate to set the model’s position, size, and orientation. This helps to optimize the model for printing. Prusa Slicer also has an advanced feature called “Auto Arrange” which arranges multiple objects on the print bed to optimize space.

3. Print Settings Configuration

Print settings configuration in PrusaSlicer is very important to achieve high-quality prints. If you are new, you can choose from preset profiles or you can dig deep into advanced settings for complete control over the printing process. Some key configuration includes –

Material Selection

Choose appropriate filament type as per your material. Each material comes with predefined temperature settings, but these can be adjusted manually for better performance.

Layer Height

Layer height defines the thickness of each printed layer. A smaller layer height (e.g., 0.1mm) gives the finer details but takes more time, whereas larger layer height (e.g., 0.3mm) gives fast printing but less precision.

Infill Density and Pattern

Infill represents the internal structure of the print. You can adjust the percentage of infill to balance the strength and material usage. Different infill patterns are available in Prusa Slicer that includes rectilinear, honeycomb, gyroid, and more. Higher density makes the print stronger and because of more material it takes more time to print.

Brim, Skirt, and Raft Options

You can improve bed adhesion using a brim, skirt, and a raft. Brims are the extra outlines around the base, skirt is a single-layer perimeter around the model, and raft is a separate base under the print.

Supports and Bridging

PrusaSlicer has a feature to enable automatic or manual support. It helps to provide stability for overhangs. Based on the overhang angle you set, support structures are automatically generated by Prusa Slicer. You can use the “paint-on-supports” feature for precise placement.

4. Model Slicing

Until now, we have configured the basic print settings. In the next step we have to slice the model.


Click on the “Slice Now” button. It will generate the G-code for your model. It is the file that your 3D printer can understand. In the G-code preview you can see toolpath layer by layer. You can review the print time, filament usage, and other details provided in the preview.

Exporting the G-code

If you see everything is correct, then you can save the G-code by clicking on “Export G-code”. Save this file to your desired location or you can send it to your printer via OctoPrint if it is integrated.

5. Starting the Print

After you generate the G-code, now it’s time to print your 3D model.

  • Transfer the generated G-code file to your 3D printer. You can use an SD card, USB, or direct connection using OctoPrint to load the G-code file.
  • Check if your print bed is clean and load the correct filament into your printer. Also make sure that the bed is properly leveled to avoid any adhesion issues.
  • Preheat your printer according to the selected material’s temperature setting.
  • Now begin the printing and monitor the first few layers to ensure everything is working correctly. If the print doesn’t adhere correctly to the bed, you may need to relevel the bed and adjust the nozzle height.

6. Post Processing

After the print is complete, you must follow these post processing steps to finalize your model.

Remove the print

After printing, carefully remove the model from the print bed. You can use a scraper or spatula to remove it.

Remove supports

If you have used the support structures, remove them carefully. For this you can use pliers or a hobby knife. Prusa’s organic supports can break easily without causing any damage to the model.

Additional processing

To achieve a good finish, you can sand the surface. It will remove layer lines and smooth out imperfections. For added durability and aesthetics you can also consider post-processing techniques like priming, painting, or vapor smoothing.

7. Future Prints Optimization

Your first 3D printed model is now ready. You can explore more advanced features and take notes to fine tune your future prints.

Print Analysis

You should review the print quality and make note of any issue such as stringing, warping, or layer adhesion problems, etc. Adjust the slicer settings accordingly for future prints. Ex. You can modify retraction settings to prevent stringing or increase bed adhesion for better first layers.

Advanced features and notes

You must keep your printer well-maintained by regularly cleaning the nozzle, bed, and moving parts. Explore advanced features and experiment with different settings to fine tune performance and improve overall print quality.

Why choose Prusa Slicer?

Yes, PrusaSlicer is completely free and open-source. Anyone can access it without any cost.

Prusa Slicer is beginner friendly and still offers advanced features for expert users.

Both Prusa and Cura slicers are powerful slicing software. PrusaSlicer offers more advanced customization options and seamless integration with Prusa printers, while Cura stands out for its extensive library of printers and material profiles.

Yes, you can export your custom profiles as .ini files and share them with others. You can also import profiles from other users.

Prusa Slicer is a versatile and powerful slicing software that offers a wide range of features which helps to optimize your 3D printing experience. PrusaSlicer provides the flexibility and control needed for high-quality prints making it a favorite choice for 3D printer lovers. By using its advanced features and settings, you can maximize the efficiency and precision of your prints.

As 3D printing technology continues to evolve, the open source nature of Prusa slicer makes it a top choice for hobbyists and professionals. It is under continuous community-driven improvements which keeps it up to date with the latest advancements. Keep experimenting with different settings and stay updated with the new releases and enhance your printing results.